2014: Shipments for Syrian Refugees

In 2014, Wool-Aid established a new effort to provide warm wool clothing and blankets for Syrian children who are now living in refugee camps in Jordan and Lebanon.

Humanitarian relief efforts for this project are coordinated by the Salaam Cultural Museum. Wool-Aid was asked to provide handknit/crocheted wool clothing for infants and toddlers, and for children age 5 to 10 years old who are attending two schools in the Bekaa Valley in Lebanon.

In 2014, Wool-Aid sent a total of 34 boxes for the Syrian children living in refugee camps in Jordan and Lebanon. These shipments contained

Sweaters: 215
Vests: 226
Socks: 303
Hats: 1371
Mittens: 178
Blankets: 72

TOTAL: 2365

This picture shows a young Syrian boy receiving a sweater hand knit by one of our Wool-Aid crafters:

Syrian child

Many, many thanks to all our supporters who make it possible to help Syrian children!