Support Wool-Aid Through Amazon Smile

The Amazon Smile Foundation donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible purchases to Wool-Aid, as long as you shop through the Amazon Smile portal——and have selected Wool-Aid as the charity you want to support. Since 2014, the quarterly contributions from the Amazon Smile Foundation have made a big difference in our shipping funds!

Please spread the word and encourage more of your friends and family to support Wool-Aid through Amazon Smile—and help kids around the world smile, too!

On your first visit to Amazon Smile (, please select Wool-Aid Inc from the list of charitable organizations before you begin shopping. It will remember your selection, and then every eligible purchase you make will result in a donation to Wool-Aid, as long you shop through the Amazon Smile portal. You’ll know you’re in the right place if your Amazon banner has a black background and you see “Supporting: Wool-Aid Inc” in the banner itself.

If you make purchases at Amazon, please link your account to Wool-Aid Inc. and shop through the portal.

Amazon Smile badge

The direct link to shop and support Wool-Aid is

Wool-Aid and the Wool-Aid Kids thank you!