Wool-Aid Supports Syrian Children

Wool-Aid supports children in Syria through Syria Relief in the UK, which then transports our Wool-Aid items to Turkey so they can be taken into Syria itself. Our items are sometimes distributed in the refugee camps as well. The mission of Syria Relief is to “relieve the suffering and support the future,” providing support and care to those 7.6 million internally displaced by the conflict, and helping to reduce the mass migration from Syria.

Already this winter, Wool-Aid has shipped 19 boxes containing

Hats: 1265
Vests: 146
Mittens: 113
Sweaters: 40

For future shipments, we will focus on hats (especially balaclavas), vests, and mittens, which were the items specifically requested — in sizes for children 9 to 12 years old. They have requested that items not include the color red, and we avoid sending any items that could be considered a camouflage colorway.

We continue to ship warm, woolen clothing to Syria Relief on a regular basis, as we fill boxes of vests, hats, and mittens in the appropriate sizes and colors.