Archive for 2016

Wool-Aid Supports Schoolchildren in India

Wool-Aid is pleased to support 100 or so schoolchildren ages 5 through 15 who live in a residential school in Ladakh, in one of the most beautiful and remote areas of northern India. The children come from the six villages of Lingshed, Gongma, Skumpata, Youlchung, Neyraks, and Dibling.

We are currently providing hats, socks, and sweaters, and also blankets for the younger children (ages 5 through 9) (approximately 40″ x 60″). All colors of clothing are appropriate for the schoolchildren.

Wool-Aid has so far sent 19 boxes containing 498 items for the schoolchildren at the residential school:

Hats: 107
Sweaters: 135
Socks: 205
Child-size blankets: 51

We will send additional boxes of clothing and blankets in ongoing support of the children there, to help keep them warm in the 30-below temperatures that are common in Ladakh in wintertime.

Wool-Aid Supports Syrian Children

Wool-Aid supports children in Syria through Syria Relief in the UK, which then transports our Wool-Aid items to Turkey so they can be taken into Syria itself. Our items are sometimes distributed in the refugee camps as well. The mission of Syria Relief is to “relieve the suffering and support the future,” providing support and care to those 7.6 million internally displaced by the conflict, and helping to reduce the mass migration from Syria.

Already this winter, Wool-Aid has shipped 19 boxes containing

Hats: 1265
Vests: 146
Mittens: 113
Sweaters: 40

For future shipments, we will focus on hats (especially balaclavas), vests, and mittens, which were the items specifically requested — in sizes for children 9 to 12 years old. They have requested that items not include the color red, and we avoid sending any items that could be considered a camouflage colorway.

We continue to ship warm, woolen clothing to Syria Relief on a regular basis, as we fill boxes of vests, hats, and mittens in the appropriate sizes and colors.

Wool-Aid’s Support for Afghan Children, 2016

Wool-Aid’s largest single shipment ever has now left HQ and is on its way to warm the children of Afghanistan this winter. We are again partnering with the Lamia Afghan Foundation, which coordinates international transportation to Afghanistan through the Denton Program. (The Denton Program uses available space on military cargo planes to transport humanitarian aid to countries in need; it is coordinated by USAID (the United States Agency for International Development).)

We shipped 60 boxes, an estimated 1320 pounds, and a total of 3775 items!

The boxes included so much warmth!

For babies and toddlers

Hats — 516
Vests — 113
Sweaters — 87
Socks — 59
Blankets — 107

For children 5 and up

Hats — 1950
Vests — 181
Sweaters — 146
Socks — 373
Mittens — 209
Blankets — 34

We hope that in the future we will be able to show you pictures of some of these items being worn by the beautiful Afghan children!