Archive for Ravelympics

Ravelympics 2010: Crossing the Finish Line

Team Wool-Aid crossed the finish line with at least 50 projects — many Keep Me Warm Vests and Cozy Toes socks and other lovely items as well — and the team spirit and camaraderie kept many team members knitting and crocheting when they would otherwise have lagged behind.

While it is unclear how many medals were won over the 17-day Ravelympics by Team Wool-Aid, since each project potentially qualified for multiple medals, many medals were won in the following events (and more!):

  • Charity Curling
  • Junior Olympics
  • Sock Hockey
  • Sweaterboard Cross
  • Mitten Moguls
  • Giant Slalom-ghan
  • Stash Compulsory Dance

And our Wool-Aid kids enjoyed themselves tremendously as they made their way around the event venues on their skis!

Ravelympics Wool-Aid Kids

Congratulations, Everyone!

Ravelympics 2010

On February 12 at 9 p.m. EST (6 p.m. PST) — Mass Cast On begins when the 2010 Winter Olympics Opening Ceremonies begin! Challenge yourself to finish one or more projects by the time the Games close on February 28.

Team Wool-Aid will have two Ravelympics campaigns that we encourage you to join – (1) a Wool-Aid Ravelympics 2010 Sock Campaign and (2) a Wool-Aid Ravelympics 2010 Vest Campaign.

For these two campaigns we will be rolling out exclusive designs from some of our very own Wool-Aid member-designers. Both designs are being created especially with the requirements of our Wool-Aid campaigns in mind – in worsted, aran, and/or bulky weight yarn:

Cozy Toes socks by Christiane Burkhard

Keep Me Warm Vest by Donna Stypczynski and Jackie Lambert

Events for Which Your Projects Are Likely to Qualify

  • Charity Curling eventcharity (Projects for charity)
  • Sock Hockey eventsockhockey (All things socks and slippers)
  • Sweaterboard Cross eventsweaterboard (All forms of sweaters, vests, cardis, pullovers, boleros)
  • Single Skein Speed Skate eventspeedskate (Projects of just one skein/hank)
  • Giant Slalom-ghan eventgiantslalomghan (Afghan, blankets, throws)
  • Junior Olympics eventjunior (Kids, baby garments, accessories toys have their own event)
  • Mittens Moguls eventmittenmoguls (Mittens, gloves, anything that covers hands/wrists/arms)
  • Stash Compulsory Dance eventstashdance (Use of long-neglected stash purchased at least 1 year ago)
  • SnowCross eventsnowcross (Projects that combine knitting, crochet, needle-felting, embroidery, sewing …; minimum of 2 crafts combined together)
  • WIPs-Dancing eventwipsdancing (WIPs/UFOs and only these; Projects not touched since Jan 12th)

The Ravelympics is all about personal challenges as well as team challenges, so whatever challenge you’ve set for yourself, we’ll be encouraging each other all the way to the finish on February 28!

Go Team Wool-Aid!