Archive for December, 2010

Report on Sock Blitz campaign (ended 11/15/10)

Our Sock Blitz campaign began in early August, 2010, and ended 100 days later, on November 15, 2010. Our goal was to collect 100 pairs of warm handknit socks in 100 days. By October 26, we had collected 103 pairs of socks.  So we set a new goal of 120 pairs, and we reached that on November 3. Then we set a revised goal of 150 pairs, reaching that goal on November 13!

After 100 days, our final count was 182 pairs of wonderfully warm handknit socks to warm the feet of children who live in desperately cold conditions. It has been decided that these socks will become the first shipment to the children of Kyegu, as part of our Knit for Tibet campaign.

A warm thank-you to all who participated in the Sock Blitz, making it possible to send so many warm pairs of woolen socks to the children of Kyegu!