Report on Baby Blankets and Socks for Warm Hands, Fall 2010

Our campaign for the Warm Hands Network to help the Innu children in Northern Labrador has come to a successful close. We have sent 4 huge boxes weighing nearly 135 pounds — 61 baby blankets and 76 pairs of socks! All has now been received, and everything will be distributed through the clinic there:

baby blankets 1-6

baby blankets 13-18baby blankets 19-24baby blankets 25-30baby blankets 31-36

baby blankets 37-42baby blanketfs 43-48baby blankets 55-60baby blanket 61socks 1-24socks 25-48socks 49-76

Thanks to all who made it possible to send such warmth and love to the Innu children!