Contact Us

If You Have Questions ...

Please send e-mail to if you have questions about Wool-Aid and its campaigns, or if you want to know how you can help.

For information about shipping your finished items or making a contribution toward shipping costs to the distribution organizations, please see How to Donate.

Through Our Active Ravelry group ...

If you're already on Ravelry—the online community for knitters, crocheters, weavers, designers, spinners, and dyers—we encourage you to join us there. (And if you're not already on Ravelry, we encourage you to sign up!) We have an active Wool-Aid Ravelry group, where we talk frequently about our campaigns, projects, yarn, techniques, patterns, and the many other things that interest knitters and crocheters everywhere.

On Ravelry, you can check out the projects that people have already completed and be inspired ... ask a question about a pattern and find someone who can answer it (because they had the same question not long ago) ... join a group campaign to focus on a common theme or a particular item.

To Sign Up for News & Updates ...

Complete the following form to subscribe to News & Updates for occasional e-mails with information about new campaigns or reports and updates on current campaigns.